The College Football Bowl season begins Saturday.

This season College Football offers 41 bowl games to be played over the next three weeks.

College Football – Week 14

Fourteenth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 13

Thirteenth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 12

Twelfth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football Week 11

Eleventh week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football Week 10

Tenth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 9

Ninth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 8

Eighth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 7

Seventh week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

College Football – Week 6

Sixth week of College Football. Mike Resch reporting from Eugene Oregon, where it never rains, it only pours touchdowns!

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