Stimmen nach dem Spiel:
USA Head Coach Mel Tjeerjsman: 
“I felt like our coaching did a great job in preparation.  It is a lot different from the first game, this time we had film and two days to prepare. 
Germany did a good job of throwing the ball in the middle; they kept finding the open spot and were successful there.  The fact that our defense was able to put pressure on the quarterback was one of the key things.  We did a great job against the run.  Germany had a little bit of success there, but we did a great job overall and that is a key.  If you are able to stop a team from running then you know they are going to pass. 
We are happy to come out of here with a win.  Germany is a good football team.  This was a strange game.  There were so many strange turns of events.  We had 28 points at halftime but only two offensive touchdowns and only had three offensive touchdowns for the game.  I don’t think the score indicates how good Germany is.  It was a good football game. 
When we have penalties to me that means a lack of focus, and we have to better mental preparation for the next games. 
The next game is a big game; we are both 2-0 and the chance to play for the gold medal.  It is going to take a lot of work to prepare in the next two nights.”
USA RB Nate Kmic: 
“It was a very tough and hard fought game and very physical.  Watching film of Germany, we knew they were big and thought we may struggle with that up front.  But I thought our O-line did a very good job protecting our quarterback today. 
Their secondary was very physical.  I got popped a couple of times and I wasn’t sure if I would get back up.  It was a good game and a lot of fun to play.”

Germany Sport Director Marshall Happer: 
“My hat goes off to you coach.  USA played a really great game. 
USA is quick time.  You throw one ball behind your receiver and they make you pay for it.  Like coach said, USA really stuffed our running game.  #92 (DT Johnny Dingle) was busting through and we were having all kinds of trouble. 
We felt okay after the first quarter and thought we were going to take the lead 3-0 and geez #92 (Johnny Dingle) runs 75 yards got a full tank of gas at the 15 and somehow found the endzone. 
The score doesn’t indicate how close the game really was.  As far as the stats go it wasn’t too bad. 
But the team has a lot speed and talent.  We played hard.  Our players played every play like it was the last one and that is all we can ask."
World Championships 2011
Germany vs. USA 7:48

Juli 10th | 7pm CET
Tivoli Stadium | Innsbruck
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