Die erste Runde wird am Donnerstag, den 28 April stattfinden. Die zweite und dritte Runde sind für Freitag, den 29. April gesetzt, die Runden vier bis sieben finden Samstag, den 30. April statt.

Die Panthers werden den ersten pick haben, gefolgt von den Denver Broncos und den Buffalo Bills.

Weiter unten die vorläufige Reihenfolge der ersten Runde des 2011-Drafts, vorbehaltlich der Ergebnisse der Playoffs. Folgendes gilt es zu beachten:

  • The winner of the Super Bowl will select last and the other Super Bowl participant next-to-last, regardless of their regular-season record.
  • The Championship Game participants not advancing to the Super Bowl will select 29th and 30th, according to the reverse order of their standing.
  • The Divisional Playoff participants not advancing to the Championship Games will select 25th through 28th, according to the reverse order of their standing.
  • The Wild Card participants not advancing to the Divisional Playoffs will select 21st through 24th, according to the reverse order of their standing.
  • Non-playoff clubs will select first through 20th, according to the reverse order of their standing.
If ties exist in any grouping except (A) above, they will be broken by strength of schedule (i.e., figuring the aggregate won-lost-tied percentage of each involved club’s regular-season opponents and awarding preferential selection order to the  club which faced the schedule of teams with the lowest aggregate won-lost-tied  percentage).

If ties still exist after applying the strength of schedule tiebreaker, the divisional or conference tiebreakers are applied, if applicable.  If the divisional  or conference tiebreakers are not applicable, ties will be broken by a coin flip.

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