Die NFL treibt die CBA Verhandlungen mit einem Vorschlag voran und spielt den Ball damit weiter zur Spielergewerkschaft. Die wesentlichen Punkte sind eine Ausweitung der Regular Season um eine Woche auf 17 Spiele, eine Erweiterung des Playoff-Feldes von bisher 12 auf 14 und eine damit einhergehende Erhöhung der Spielergehälter.

Kollege korsakoff hat sich auf seinem Blog interessante Gedanken gemacht, die man sich unbedingt durchlesen sollte.

Das Statement der NFL im Wortlaut:

Following more than ten months of intensive and thorough negotiations, the NFL Players and clubs have jointly developed a comprehensive set of new and revised terms that will transform the future of the game, provide for players – past, present, and future – both on and off the field, and ensure that the NFL’s second century is even better and more exciting for the fans.

The membership voted today to accept the negotiated terms on the principal elements of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Players Association would also need to vote to approve the same terms for there to be a new agreement.

Since the clubs and players need to have a system in place and know the rules that they will operate under by next week, the membership also approved moving forward under the final year of the 2011 CBA if the players decide not to approve the negotiated terms. Out of respect for the process and our partners at the NFLPA, we will have no further comment at this time.

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