France started the game best and QB Paul Durand passed the ball to Julien Siwiela whom made an acrobatic catch. And the next completion from Durand found its way to Jeremy Rabot and France were up 7:0. But the German reply came direct and they dominated the rest of the half. Daniel Berg, German MVP with 173 yds, gained yards on the ground and when the french defens focused on stopping the run QB Mario Keller made a pass to a wide open Mathis Baumbach.

Germany continued their successful running game in the second quarter but this time it is Kevin Oates who carries the ball. And as in the first quarter the drive ends with a pass for TD this time to Patrick Klein and Germany takes the lead.

France reply comes immediately when Rabot makes a 80 yd kick off return for TD but the it is called back after a block in the back 30 meters from the return. So no points on the scoreboard and the french has to punt the ball. And things did not get better when Berg starts to run the ball again for Germany and this time he decides to run the ball to the end zone himself and Germany goes to halftime with 21:7.

Not much looked like France could turn this around in second half but a new team came out after the half time and the Germans looked like they thought they already won the game. When Germany had to punt on their first drive France got fired up and after a good drive that took the major part the third quarter Yannick Kamga could finish it with a TD run.

If the third quarter was dramatic the fourth was even more. A German fumble gave France a new chance but the German defens played well and the french team lined up to punt. But Azzdine Bouayach saw a hole in the german defens and ran for a 40 yd TD. But France miss the extra point and Germany still lead 21:20.

Germany put in a new QB in Fabian Schorn but nothing could get the offens going and the french defens made the germans punt again with three minutes left of the game. A successful 4th try by the french offens kept the game alive and shortly after Tristan Baldini runs through the German defens and scores the game breaking TD. Germany tried to come back with 1.45 left but a sack by french MVP Bertrand Mimouni secured the french victory.

More pictures of the game can be fetched from photographer Cecilia Håkanssons homepage later on today or tomorrow at:

/Garry Nilsson

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