Panthers won the coin toss and selected to get the ball in the second half, so Silverhawks offense started the game on the 30 yard line after the return. It took them three first downs to open the score of the game. QB Anthony Gardner rushed 1 yard for his first touchdown. After bad snap, holder Luka Klaric tried to find one of his teammates in the endzone, but his pass was incomplete. 0:6 for Silverhawks. The next offensive drive also ended with TD. This time it was Panther’s QB Jan Dundacek rushing for a five yards touchdown. Marek Hrubon’s kick was good and PBP took 7:6 lead with the end of first quarter. Dundacek switched his typical position of WR, because of Zahradka’s injured shoulder.
Second quarter started the Silverhawks offense again on the ball. Also second drive of slovenian team ended up with TD. This time QB Gardner found Eugen Sumic in the endzone with his 6 yarder. Even second extrapoint went unsuccesful and it was 7:12. Silverhawks defense couldn’t stop Panthers offense even for the second time and QB Dundacek rushed for his second TD of the game. Hrubon was again successful and PBP took back the lead, 14:12. Ljubljana’s returner Jure Laharnar hit Panther’s kick off squad really hard, when he returned the ball on Prague’s 49 yard line. After that it took Quarterback Gardner only 5 plays to lead his team to another touchdown. Eugen Sumic rushed 12 yards to the endzone and took back the Silverhawk’s lead. Silverhawks Gardner was succesful on 2 point conversion pass to Darion Hall14:20. But it wasn’t everything before the halftime, because Dundacek rushed for 28 yard TD and completed his hattrick. Hrubon didn’t have any problems – 21:20 for czech team. First defensive stop of the game came right before the end of the first half, which was won 21:20 by PBP.
Silverhawks defense started the second half with big stop and PBP was forced to punt. After the good punt from Wolesky, Ljubljana started the drive at their 20 yard line. It took Ljubljana only 2 plays to score huge 80 yard touchdown rushed by Hall. Extra point was good this time, 21:27 Silverhawks. The biggest difference in play of both teams in the second half was defensive part. PBP weren’t able to stop slovenian offense in both of their drives in the second half, so just minutes before the end of the game they took 21:41 lead after the TDs by Hall and Zibelnik. The only drive in the second half, which wasn’t stopped by LJubljana’s defense ended up with Dundacek’s pass to Wolesky. End of the game – 27:41 for Silverhawks, which meant that Ljubljana is going to the wildcard round and Panthers will be most likely playing lower division in the next season.
Silverhawks HC Rok Stamcar: "Prague is really big opponent. Not just with their game, but also with their size. We are always undersized team, so we want to win the games with speed. We had a lot of troubles in the first half with their QB Dundacek, who played really well today. So we put 7 guys in the box in the second half and hope that we will win our 1 on 1 matches with their receivers. We are really happy for the win and now we are looking forward for our wild card game."
Black Panthers HC Daniel Lesko: "Unfortunately our defense didn’t play well today and couldn’t get any stops, which put big pressure on our offense. The second half was waiting for the mistake and unfortunately it was again us. The second half was really really bad from us. Nothing positive to say here."
Prague Black Panthers vs. Ljubljana Silverhawks 27:41

SA 25. Juni 2016 16:00 Uhr, Atleticky Stadion Slavia Prag
Scorer Black Panthers:
Touchdowns: Jan Dundacek (3), Jakub Wolesky
Extrapunkte: Marek Hrubon (3)
Scorer Silverhawks:
Touchdowns: Anthony Gardner, Eugen Sumic (2), Darion Hall (2), Ziga Zibelnik
Extrapunkte: Ales Zaksek (2)
Two-Point-Conversion: Darion Hall

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