Start Vienna Vikings Anschuldigungen gegen Conquistador Bowl Organisator

Anschuldigungen gegen Conquistador Bowl Organisator

Mark Daniel (l), so zumindest nannte sich der Organisator der Conquistador Bowl, zusammen mit Laurinho Walch und dem AFBÖ Präsidenten Michael Eschlböck.

Geplatzte Schecks, nicht eingelöste Versprechen, abgezockte Spieler – so das Resümee von Mauricio López Aymes, der sich als Mitarbeiter für die Conquistador Bowl in Cancun vorstellt.
Schuld daran habe der Organisator Mark Daniel, der gar nicht so hiesse, sondern der tatsächlich mehrfach wegen Betrugs vorbestrafte Mark Maren sei, der mit seiner Firma M Sports Management mehrere ähnliche Events bereits platzen ließ, nachdem er Entry Fees kassiert hatte. Aymes unterlegt das mit zahlreichen Zeitungsartikel, wo auch das Conterfeit Daniels bzw. Marens zu erkennen ist. 
Maren wurde vor einigen Jahren die Scouting Lizenz seitens der CFL entzogen, was ihn aber nicht daran hinderte, seiner Tätigkeit weiterhin nachzugehen.
Auch in Österreich trat Mark Maren unter den Namen Mark Daniel (seine beiden Vornamen) auf, als er im August Laurinho Walch als Europas einzigen Teilnehmer bei der Conquistador Bowl präsentierte. Kommende Woche hätte Mark Daniel Maren diesbezüglich auch einen geplanten Termin in Österreich.
Links zur Causa Mark Maren:
» Wanted Man Caught At Border (3. Dezember 2010)
» CFL agent arrested at American border (14. Jänner 2011)
» CFL player agent faces fraud charges in U.S. (14. Jänner 2011)
» U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrest CFL agent Maren (14. Jänner 2011) 
» CFL Agent Mark Maren Arrested Based On Scheme To Defraud (18. Jänner 2011)
» Mark Daniel Maren’s Record & Detailed Information (24. Jänner 2011)
» Rising football stars swindled by scouting camp planner (12. Februar 2013) 
» Mark Maren’s cancelled tryout camp leaves plenty of questions (12. Februar 2013)
» Agent’s cancelled CFL tryout camp costs players money (12. Februar 2013)
» N.S. football players lose money in scouting camp scheme (14. Februar 2013)
Das öffentliche Statement von Mauricio López Aymes im Wortlaut:
I would like to warn players, coaches, media and friends of an allegedly all-star game next January in Cancún (called The Conquistador Bowl Mexico) to showcase players on a professional environment.
I was working on this project for three months until I realised that the "director of operations" (Mark Maren) is a professional swindler that has been aprehended scheme to defraud in the US and sued in Canada (follow the link at the bottom of this paragraph). Mr Maren has already changed to his middle name (Daniel Maren) to avoid Google searches. He paid me with a bad cheque and paid a trip to Uppsala Sweden the same way in April and still hasn’t paid any of us. I also did my research and found that other people has been scammed by this person, Joe Chrvala and digital agency TitleGraphic from Texas, as well as the friends that worked for this project for 3 months before acknowledging he did not intend to pay us. This guy, Canadian, living in Akumal, México is coming here to take advantage of good people that are pursuing a dream of professional football.
I ask you to be careful since he has done it before (he cancelled a combine in cancún the day before it was supposed to start check the other link), and left good players (canadian) without a chance to showcase in 2013. He owes me $500USD and $5,000USD to the agency I introduced to him (and translated everything for him to had a great deal) and I don’t want anyone else to be part of his scams. I know there are international players and coaches invited and I certainly do not want this guy to do it again. The best punish for this swindlers is the bad reputation they build. Please help me on sharing this if you know someone that might be in risk of falling in the Mark Daniel Maren play, who was expelled from the CFL, also, for this kind of scams.

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