BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

BLACK LIONS (0-3) vs. Danube Dragons (1-0)

Date: Apr 09, 2011 • Site: Vienna  • Stadium: FC Stadlau  •  Attendance: 800

Score by Quarters  Score 
BLACK LIONS   0  0  0  6  6 
Danube Dragons   0  14  7  21  42 

2nd  11:13  DRA   T.Haider 2 yd run (M.Wunderer kick) 
         8 plays, 41 yards, TOP 3:51  0 - 7 
  03:15  DRA   S.Fullerton 16 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick) 
         7 plays, 63 yards, TOP 2:48  0 - 14 
3rd  06:22  DRA   S.Fullerton 13 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick) 
         14 plays, 43 yards, TOP 5:38  0 - 21 
4th  11:51  DRA   J.Russel 7 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick) 
         10 plays, 48 yards, TOP 4:46  0 - 28 
  11:31  DRA   S.Fullerton 22 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick) 
         1 play, 22 yards, TOP 0:07  0 - 35 
  06:03  DRA   M.Laaber 8 yd run (M.Wunderer kick) 
         8 plays, 58 yards, TOP 2:27  0 - 42 
  02:57  LIO   M.Banks 11 yd run (M.Banks pass failed) 
         4 plays, 25 yards, TOP 1:46  6 - 42 

Kickoff time: 15:00  • End of Game: 17:30  • Total elapsed time: 2:30
Referee: T.Hofbauer  •  Umpire: A.Fritz  •  Linesman: M.Koenig  •  Line judge: B.Savicevic  •  Back judge: M.Czogalla  •  Field judge: C.Steiner  •  Side judge: H.Dungler  •  Scorer: GR  • 
Temperature: 15  • Wind: moderate • Weather: sunny


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

 Team Totals  LIO  DRA 
FIRST DOWNS  11  18 
   Rushing Attempts  27  26 
   Average Per Rush  2.4  6.3 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  103  163 
   Yards Lost Rushing  37 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  8-19-1  16-34-1 
   Average Per Attempt  2.8  5.9 
   Average Per Completion  6.8  12.6 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  46  60 
   Average Gain Per Play  2.6  6.1 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  3-2  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  8-74  6-69 
PUNTS-YARDS  2-62  1-42 
   Average Yards Per Punt  31.0  42.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  23.5  42.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  2-106  6-331 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  53.0  55.2 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  37.0  37.7 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  1-15-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  15.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  4-45-0  2-32-0 
   Average Per Return  11.2  16.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  1-10-0  1-8-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  1-24-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  20:01  27:59 
   1st Quarter  5:29  6:31 
   2nd Quarter  7:47  4:13 
   3rd Quarter  1:45  10:15 
   4th Quarter  5:00  7:00 
Third-Down Conversions  4 of 11  7 of 12 
Fourth-Down Conversions  1 of 4  1 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  1-1  5-7 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  0-0  2-9 
PAT Kicks  0-0  6-6 
Field Goals  0-0  0-1 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

Danube Dragons
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
M.Banks   64  19  45  22  5.0 
A.Abdel   28  28  4.0 
T.Oberdorfer   3.0 
S.Probst   1.0 
M.Pachernig   -2  -2.0 
D.Dobrolevski   -3  -1.5 
T.Torta   -5  -5.0 
A.Stossier   -6  -3.0 
Totals...  27  103  37  66  22  2.4 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
M.Janik   11  66  66  19  6.0 
M.Laaber   56  56  37  9.3 
T.Haider   24  24  14  6.0 
M.Winkler   12  12  12  6.0 
S.Scharinger   1.5 
M.Haider   2.0 
Totals...  26  163  163  37  6.3 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
M.Banks   4-12-0  22 
D.Dobrolevski   4-7-1  32  10 
Totals...  8-19-1  54  10 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
T.Haider   12-26-1  171  45 
D.Marinkovic   4-8-0  31  13 
Totals...  16-34-1  202  45 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
M.Pachernig   19 
M.Banks   18  10 
P.Rabitsch   10  10 
Totals...  54  10 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
S.Fullerton   121  45 
J.Russel   33  17 
M.Laaber   18  10 
M.Janik   17 
G.Pongratz   13  13 
Totals...  16  202  45 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
D.Dobrolevski   62  31.0  45 
Totals...  62  31.0  45 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
M.Kuen   42  42.0  42 
Totals...  42  42.0  42 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
M.Pachernig   17  17 
S.Probst   17  17 
Team Lions  
C.Leitner   10  10 
T.Oberdorfer   11  11 
Totals...  45  17  10  10 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
S.Fullerton   15  15  27  27 
Totals...  15  15  32  27 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
M.Banks   45  18  63 
M.Pachernig   -2  19  17  34 
A.Abdel   28  28 
S.Probst   17  26 
T.Oberdorfer   11  17 
P.Rabitsch   10  10 
C.Leitner   10  10 
D.Dobrolevski   -3  -3 
T.Torta   -5  -4 
A.Stossier   -6  -6 
Totals...  66  54  45  10  175 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
S.Fullerton   121  27  15  163 
M.Janik   66  17  88 
M.Laaber   56  18  74 
J.Russel   33  33 
T.Haider   24  24 
G.Pongratz   13  13 
M.Winkler   12  12 
Totals...  163  202  32  15  420 
M.Wunderer  1st  06:36  25 yards  Missed 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
D.Dobrolevski   106  53.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
M.Wunderer   331  55.2 
FUMBLES: BLACK LIONS-T.Torta 2-1; Team Lions 1-1. Danube Dragons-M.Laaber 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
LIO   1st  L20  10:27  Interception  L12  08:30     Punt  3--8  1:57    
LIO   1st  L20  06:36  Missed FG  L11  03:04     Punt  6--9  3:32    
LIO   2nd  L20  11:13  Kickoff  D33  06:03     Downs  9-43  5:10    
LIO   2nd  L37  03:10  Kickoff  D32  00:38     Downs  5-27  2:32    
LIO   3rd  L20  06:22  Kickoff  L23  04:37     Interception  3-3  1:45    
LIO   4th  L27  11:43  Kickoff  L22  11:38     Fumble  1--5  0:05    
LIO   4th  L46  11:27  Kickoff  D38  08:30     Downs  7-12  2:57    
LIO   4th  D25  04:43  Fumble  D00  02:57  TOUCHDOWN  4-25  1:46 
DRA   1st  D32  12:00  Kickoff  L12  10:27     Interception  4-52  1:33 
DRA   1st  L29  08:30  Punt  L08  06:36     Missed FG  5-21  1:54 
DRA   1st  L41  03:04  Punt  L00  11:13  TOUCHDOWN  8-41  3:51 
DRA   2nd  D33  06:03  Downs  L00  03:15  TOUCHDOWN  7-63  2:48 
DRA   2nd  D32  00:38  Downs  D41  00:05     Punt  3-9  0:33    
DRA   2nd  D30  00:05  Punt  D30  00:00     End of half  1-0  0:05    
DRA   3rd  L43  12:00  Kickoff  L00  06:22  TOUCHDOWN  14-43  5:38 
DRA   3rd  D48  04:37  Interception  L00  11:51  TOUCHDOWN  10-48  4:46 
DRA   4th  L22  11:38  Fumble  L00  11:31  TOUCHDOWN  1-22  0:07    
DRA   4th  D38  08:30  Downs  L00  06:03  TOUCHDOWN  8-58  2:27 
DRA   4th  D47  05:35  Kickoff  L47  04:43     Fumble  2-2  0:52    
DRA   4th  D26  02:54  Kickoff  D45  00:00     End of half  6-19  2:54    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
BLACK LIONS   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   05:29   07:47   01:45   05:00      13:16   06:45      20:01  
3rd Down Conversions   1/3   1/2   1/3   1/3      2/5   2/6      4/11  
Average field position  L20   L28   L20   L48      L24   L41      L32  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/2   1/1   0/1      0/2   1/2      1/4  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Danube Dragons   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   06:31   04:13   10:15   07:00      10:44   17:15      27:59  
3rd Down Conversions   1/3   1/3   1/2   4/4      2/6   5/6      7/12  
Average field position  L45   D31   L46   D46      D41   D47      D44  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   1/1   0/0   0/0      1/1   0/0      1/1  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
DRA   1st  D32  12:00  Kickoff  L12  10:27     Interception  4-52  1:33 
LIO   1st  L20  10:27  Interception  L12  08:30     Punt  3--8  1:57    
DRA   1st  L29  08:30  Punt  L08  06:36     Missed FG  5-21  1:54 
LIO   1st  L20  06:36  Missed FG  L11  03:04     Punt  6--9  3:32    
DRA   1st  L41  03:04  Punt  L00  11:13  TOUCHDOWN  8-41  3:51 
LIO   2nd  L20  11:13  Kickoff  D33  06:03     Downs  9-43  5:10    
DRA   2nd  D33  06:03  Downs  L00  03:15  TOUCHDOWN  7-63  2:48 
LIO   2nd  L37  03:10  Kickoff  D32  00:38     Downs  5-27  2:32    
DRA   2nd  D32  00:38  Downs  D41  00:05     Punt  3-9  0:33    
DRA   2nd  D30  00:05  Punt  D30  00:00     End of half  1-0  0:05    
DRA   3rd  L43  12:00  Kickoff  L00  06:22  TOUCHDOWN  14-43  5:38 
LIO   3rd  L20  06:22  Kickoff  L23  04:37     Interception  3-3  1:45    
DRA   3rd  D48  04:37  Interception  L00  11:51  TOUCHDOWN  10-48  4:46 
LIO   4th  L27  11:43  Kickoff  L22  11:38     Fumble  1--5  0:05    
DRA   4th  L22  11:38  Fumble  L00  11:31  TOUCHDOWN  1-22  0:07    
LIO   4th  L46  11:27  Kickoff  D38  08:30     Downs  7-12  2:57    
DRA   4th  D38  08:30  Downs  L00  06:03  TOUCHDOWN  8-58  2:27 
DRA   4th  D47  05:35  Kickoff  L47  04:43     Fumble  2-2  0:52    
LIO   4th  D25  04:43  Fumble  D00  02:57  TOUCHDOWN  4-25  1:46 
DRA   4th  D26  02:54  Kickoff  D45  00:00     End of half  6-19  2:54    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

##  BLACK LIONS   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
11  M.Pachernig   9.0  .   1-24  .   .  
34  T.Oberdorfer   7.0  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team Lions   4.0  .   .   .   .  
33  A.Abdel   3.5  .   .   .   .  
89  R.Sedej   3.0  .   .   .   .  
56  J.Blanarsch   2.0  .   .   .   .  
8   NamorsVujinovic  1.5  .   .   .   .  
39  S.Laussegger   1.0  .   .   .   .  
4   M.Banks   1.0  .   .   .   .  
82  P.Rabitsch   1.0  .   .   .   .  
7   D.Dobrolevski   1.0  .   .   .   .  
10  S.Steurer   1.0  .   .   .   .  
50  A.Wulz   1.0  .   .   .   .  
26  C.Leitner   0.5  .   .   1-10  .  
9   P.Halimann   0.5  .   .   .   .  
18  F.Knees   .   .   .   .   .  
19  T.Torta   .   .   .   .   .  
##  Danube Dragons   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
TM  Team Dragons   7.0  1.0/5   1-0   .   .  
5   C.Berger   4.0  1.0/4   .   .   1.0/4  
19  J.Canetti   3.5  2.0/6   .   .   1.0/5  
71  M.Kuehnmeyer   3.5  .   .   .   .  
20  W.Irbinger   3.0  1.0/2   .   .   .  
21  S.Gholami   3.0  .   .   .   .  
15  J.Baran   2.5  .   .   .   .  
25  J.Hoeck   1.5  .   .   .   .  
30  Al.Gigl   1.0  .   .   .   .  
9   S.Fullerton   1.0  .   .   .   .  
29  An.Gigl   1.0  .   .   1-8   .  
35  Mi.Dallinger   1.0  .   .   .   .  
2   M.Werosta   1.0  .   .   .   .  
31  C.Kober   1.0  .   .   .   .  


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
BLACK LIONS.........  0  0  0  6  -  6       Record: (0-3)
Danube Dragons......  0 14  7 21  - 42       Record: (1-0)

Scoring Summary:
2nd 11:13 DRA - T.Haider 2 yd run (M.Wunderer kick), 8-41 3:51, LIO 0 - DRA 7
    03:15 DRA - S.Fullerton 16 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick), 7-63 2:48, LIO 0 - DRA 14
3rd 06:22 DRA - S.Fullerton 13 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick), 14-43 5:38, LIO 0 - DRA 21
4th 11:51 DRA - J.Russel 7 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick), 10-48 4:46, LIO 0 - DRA 28
    11:31 DRA - S.Fullerton 22 yd pass from T.Haider (M.Wunderer kick), 1-22 0:07, LIO 0 - DRA 35
    06:03 DRA - M.Laaber 8 yd run (M.Wunderer kick), 8-58 2:27, LIO 0 - DRA 42
    02:57 LIO - M.Banks 11 yd run (M.Banks pass failed), 4-25 1:46, LIO 6 - DRA 42

                                    LIO      DRA
FIRST DOWNS...................       11       18
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    27-66   26-163
PASSING YDS (NET).............       54      202
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........   19-8-1  34-16-1
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   46-120   60-365
Fumble Returns-Yards..........     1-24      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0     1-15
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     4-45     2-32
Interception Returns-Yards....     1-10      1-8
Punts (Number-Avg)............   2-31.0   1-42.0
Fumbles-Lost..................      3-2      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     8-74     6-69
Possession Time...............    20:01    27:59
Third-Down Conversions........  4 of 11  7 of 12
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   1 of 4   1 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      1-1      5-7
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      0-0      2-9

RUSHING: BLACK LIONS-M.Banks 9-45; A.Abdel 7-28; T.Oberdorfer 2-6;
S.Probst 3-3; M.Pachernig 1-minus 2; D.Dobrolevski 2-minus 3; T.Torta 1-minus 5;
A.Stossier 2-minus 6. Danube Dragons-M.Janik 11-66; M.Laaber 6-56; T.Haider
4-24; M.Winkler 2-12; S.Scharinger 2-3; M.Haider 1-2.

PASSING: BLACK LIONS-M.Banks 4-12-0-22; D.Dobrolevski 4-7-1-32. Danube
Dragons-T.Haider 12-26-1-171; D.Marinkovic 4-8-0-31.

RECEIVING: BLACK LIONS-M.Pachernig 3-19; M.Banks 2-18; P.Rabitsch 1-10;
S.Probst 1-6; T.Torta 1-1. Danube Dragons-S.Fullerton 6-121; J.Russel 3-33;
M.Laaber 3-18; M.Janik 3-17; G.Pongratz 1-13.

INTERCEPTIONS: BLACK LIONS-C.Leitner 1-10. Danube Dragons-An.Gigl 1-8.

FUMBLES: BLACK LIONS-T.Torta 2-1; Team Lions 1-1. Danube Dragons-M.Laaber

Stadium: FC Stadlau            Attendance: 800
Kickoff time: 15:00     End of Game: 17:30     Total elapsed time: 2:30
Officials: Referee: T.Hofbauer; Umpire: A.Fritz; Linesman: M.Koenig;
Line judge: B.Savicevic; Back judge: M.Czogalla; Field judge: C.Steiner;
Side judge: H.Dungler; Scorer: GR;
Temperature: 15        Wind: moderate  Weather: sunny

BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna) SACKS (UA-A): BLACK LIONS-None. Danube Dragons-J.Canetti 1-0; C.Berger 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): BLACK LIONS-M.Pachernig 7-4; T.Oberdorfer 5-4; Team Lions 4-0; A.Abdel 2-3; R.Sedej 3-0; J.Blanarsch 1-2; NamorsVujinovic 0-3; D.Dobrolevski 1-0; A.Wulz 1-0; M.Banks 1-0; S.Laussegger 1-0; S.Steurer 1-0; P.Rabitsch 1-0; P.Halimann 0-1; C.Leitner 0-1. Danube Dragons-Team Dragons 7-0; C.Berger 3-2; J.Canetti 3-1; M.Kuehnmeyer 2-3; W.Irbinger 3-0; S.Gholami 1-4; J.Baran 2-1; J.Hoeck 1-1; S.Fullerton 1-0; Mi.Dallinger 1-0; Al.Gigl 1-0; An.Gigl 1-0; C.Kober 0-2; M.Werosta 0-2. Player participation: BLACK LIONS: 4-M.Banks, 7-D.Dobrolevski, 8-NamorsVujinovic, 9-P.Halimann, 10-S.Steurer, 11-M.Pachernig, 18-F.Knees, 19-T.Torta, 22-S.Probst, 24-A.Stossier, 26-C.Leitner, 33-A.Abdel, 34-T.Oberdorfer, 39-S.Laussegger, 50-A.Wulz, 56-J.Blanarsch, 82-P.Rabitsch, 89-R.Sedej. Danube Dragons: 2-M.Werosta, 5-C.Berger, 8-J.Russel, 9-S.Fullerton, 11-M.Winkler, 12-D.Marinkovic, 13-T.Haider, 14-M.Haider, 15-J.Baran, 17-S.Jovanovic, 19-J.Canetti, 20-W.Irbinger, 21-S.Gholami, 25-J.Hoeck, 28-M.Laaber, 29-An.Gigl, 30-Al.Gigl, 31-C.Kober, 32-S.Scharinger, 35-Mi.Dallinger, 71-M.Kuehnmeyer, 80-Ma.Dallinger, 81-M.Kuen, 82-M.Wunderer, 86-G.Pongratz, 87-M.Janik.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
The Automated ScoreBook
BLACK LIONS vs Danube Dragons (Apr 09, 2011 at Vienna)

1st Quarter

CT: Dragons won - receive
Lio 1-10at Lio30LIO ball on LIO30.
D.Dobrolevski kickoff 61 yards to the DRA5, S.Fullerton return 27 yards to the DRA32 (M.Banks).
Dra 1-10at Dra32T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 45 yards to the LIO19, 1ST DOWN DRA (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 1-10at Lio19T.Haider pass incomplete to J.Russel, dropped pass.
Dra 2-10at Lio19T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 7 yards to the LIO12 (M.Pachernig).
Dra 3-3at Lio12T.Haider pass intercepted by C.Leitner at the LIO10, C.Leitner return 10 yards to the LIO20 (S.Fullerton).
Drive: 4 plays, 52 yards, TOP 01:33
Lio 1-10at Lio20BLACK LIONS drive start at 10:27.
Lio 1-10at Lio20D.Dobrolevski pass complete to M.Pachernig for 9 yards to the LIO29, out-of-bounds (S.Pokorny;R.Lehmann), PENALTY LIO clipping 10 yards to the LIO10, NO PLAY.
Lio 1-20at Lio10D.Dobrolevski pass incomplete to F.Knees.
Lio 2-20at Lio10A.Stossier rush for loss of 1 yard to the LIO9 (J.Canetti).
Lio 3-21at Lio09M.Banks rush for 3 yards to the LIO12.
Lio 4-18at Lio12D.Dobrolevski punt 17 yards to the LIO29, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 01:57
Dra 1-10at Lio29DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 08:30.
Dra 1-10at Lio29T.Haider pass complete to J.Russel for 17 yards to the LIO12, 1ST DOWN DRA.
Dra 1-10at Lio12M.Janik rush for 3 yards to the LIO9 (M.Pachernig;NamorsVujinovic).
Dra 2-7at Lio09M.Janik rush for 1 yard to the LIO8 (M.Pachernig).
Dra 3-6at Lio08T.Haider pass incomplete to J.Russel.
Dra 4-6at Lio08M.Wunderer field goal attempt from 25 MISSED - wide left, spot at LIO20, clock 06:36.
Drive: 5 plays, 21 yards, TOP 05:26
Lio 1-10at Lio20A.Abdel rush for 5 yards to the LIO25 (S.Gholami;C.Kober).
Lio 2-5at Lio25A.Abdel rush for 3 yards to the LIO28 (S.Gholami;M.Werosta).
Lio 3-2at Lio28A.Abdel rush for 3 yards to the LIO31, 1ST DOWN LIO (M.Kuehnmeyer;J.Canetti).
Lio 1-10at Lio31A.Stossier rush for loss of 5 yards to the LIO26 (Team Dragons).
Lio 2-15at Lio26M.Banks rush for loss of 15 yards to the LIO11.
Lio 3-30at Lio11M.Banks pass incomplete to M.Pachernig (W.Irbinger).
Lio 4-30at Lio11D.Dobrolevski punt 45 yards to the DRA40, S.Fullerton return 15 yards to the LIO41 (P.Halimann;T.Oberdorfer).
Drive: 6 plays, minus 9 yards, TOP 00:00
Dra 1-10at Lio41DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 03:04.
Dra 1-10at Lio41T.Haider pass incomplete to S.Fullerton.
Dra 2-10at Lio41S.Scharinger rush for 1 yard to the LIO40 (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 3-9at Lio40T.Haider rush for 14 yards to the LIO26, 1ST DOWN DRA (A.Abdel).
Dra 1-10at Lio26M.Winkler rush for 12 yards to the LIO14, 1ST DOWN DRA (D.Dobrolevski).
Dra 1-10at Lio14M.Janik rush for 10 yards to the LIO4, 1ST DOWN DRA (P.Rabitsch).
Dra 1-Gat Lio04M.Winkler rush for no gain to the LIO4 (A.Abdel;J.Blanarsch).
Drive: 6 plays, 37 yards, TOP 03:51
BLACK LIONS 0, Danube Dragons 0
2nd Quarter

Dra 2-Gat Lio04Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
Dra 2-Gat Lio04M.Janik rush for 2 yards to the LIO2 (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 3-Gat Lio02T.Haider rush for 2 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:13.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 7, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 8 plays, 41 yards, TOP 03:51
M.Wunderer kickoff 66 yards to the LIO0, touchback.
Lio 1-10at Lio20BLACK LIONS drive start at 11:13.
Lio 1-10at Lio20M.Banks pass complete to S.Probst for 6 yards to the LIO26 (J.Canetti).
Lio 2-4at Lio26S.Probst rush for 1 yard to the LIO27 (Team Dragons).
Lio 3-3at Lio27M.Banks rush for 16 yards to the LIO43, 1ST DOWN LIO (S.Gholami).
Lio 1-10at Lio43M.Banks rush for 3 yards to the LIO46, out-of-bounds (C.Berger).
Lio 2-7at Lio46PENALTY LIO delay of game 5 yards to the LIO41.
Lio 2-12at Lio41M.Banks rush for 22 yards to the DRA33, 1ST DOWN LIO (W.Irbinger).
Lio 1-10at Dra33S.Probst rush for 2 yards to the DRA31 (M.Kuehnmeyer).
Lio 2-8at Dra31M.Pachernig rush for loss of 2 yards to the DRA33 (W.Irbinger).
Lio 3-10at Dra33M.Banks pass incomplete to M.Pachernig.
Lio 4-10at Dra33Timeout BLACK LIONS, clock 06:07.
Lio 4-10at Dra33M.Banks pass incomplete to T.Torta, PENALTY LIO crackback declined.
Drive: 9 plays, 43 yards, TOP 05:10
Dra 1-10at Dra33DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 06:03.
Dra 1-10at Dra33T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 18 yards to the LIO45, 1ST DOWN DRA (R.Sedej).
Dra 1-10at Lio45T.Haider pass incomplete to Ma.Dallinger, PENALTY LIO pass interference (M.Pachernig) 14 yards to the LIO31, 1ST DOWN DRA, NO PLAY.
Dra 1-10at Lio31T.Haider pass incomplete to Ma.Dallinger.
Dra 2-10at Lio31T.Haider pass complete to M.Janik for 8 yards to the LIO23 (S.Laussegger).
Dra 3-2at Lio23T.Haider pass incomplete to Ma.Dallinger, dropped pass.
Dra 4-2at Lio23Timeout Danube Dragons, clock 04:26.
Dra 4-2at Lio23T.Haider rush for 4 yards to the LIO19, 1ST DOWN DRA (Team Lions).
Dra 1-10at Lio19M.Janik rush for 3 yards to the LIO16 (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 2-7at Lio16T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 16 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN DRA, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:15.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 14, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 7 plays, 63 yards, TOP 02:48
M.Wunderer kickoff 46 yards to the LIO20, S.Probst return 17 yards to the LIO37 (Mi.Dallinger).
Lio 1-10at Lio37BLACK LIONS drive start at 03:10.
Lio 1-10at Lio37S.Probst rush for no gain to the LIO37 (M.Kuehnmeyer).
Lio 2-10at Lio37D.Dobrolevski pass complete to M.Banks for 10 yards to the LIO47, 1ST DOWN LIO (S.Gholami;J.Hoeck), PENALTY DRA face mask (C.Berger) 16 yards to the DRA33, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Lio 1-10at Dra331st and 10.
Lio 1-10at Dra33S.Probst rush for 2 yards to the DRA31 (Team Dragons), PENALTY LIO face mask (J.Blanarsch) 9 yards to the DRA42, NO PLAY.
Lio 1-19at Dra42D.Dobrolevski pass complete to P.Rabitsch for 10 yards to the DRA32.
Lio 2-9at Dra32D.Dobrolevski pass complete to M.Pachernig for 4 yards to the DRA28 (C.Berger;C.Kober).
Lio 3-5at Dra28Timeout BLACK LIONS, clock 00:45.
Lio 3-5at Dra284th and 5.
Lio 4-5at Dra28M.Banks sacked for loss of 4 yards to the DRA32 (C.Berger).
Drive: 5 plays, 27 yards, TOP 02:32
Dra 1-10at Dra32DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 00:38.
Dra 1-10at Dra32T.Haider pass incomplete to S.Fullerton.
Dra 2-10at Dra32T.Haider pass incomplete to M.Janik.
Dra 3-10at Dra32M.Janik rush for 9 yards to the DRA41 (A.Abdel).
Dra 4-1at Dra41Timeout BLACK LIONS, clock 00:11.
Dra 4-1at Dra41M.Kuen punt 42 yards to the LIO13, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 00:33
Lio 1-10at Lio13BLACK LIONS drive start at 00:05.
Lio 1-10at Lio13PENALTY DRA personal foul 17 yards to the LIO30, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Lio 1-10at Lio30M.Banks pass incomplete to M.Pachernig (W.Irbinger).
Lio 2-10at Lio30End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 1 plays, 17 yards, TOP 00:05
Danube Dragons 14, BLACK LIONS 0
3rd Quarter

Lio 2-10at Lio30Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00.
Lio 2-10at Lio30DRA ball on DRA30.
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:05
M.Wunderer kickoff 66 yards to the LIO0, touchback.
Lio 1-10at Lio20BLACK LIONS drive start at 12:00.
Lio 1-10at Lio20A.Abdel rush for 5 yards to the LIO25 (J.Baran).
Lio 2-5at Lio25D.Dobrolevski pass incomplete to M.Banks (W.Irbinger).
Lio 3-5at Lio25A.Abdel rush for 8 yards to the LIO33, 1ST DOWN LIO (W.Irbinger).
Lio 1-10at Lio33A.Abdel rush for 4 yards to the LIO37 (J.Baran;M.Kuehnmeyer).
Lio 2-6at Lio37A.Abdel rush for no gain to the LIO37 (M.Werosta;M.Kuehnmeyer).
Lio 3-6at Lio37T.Oberdorfer rush for 4 yards to the LIO41 (Team Dragons).
Lio 4-2at Lio41T.Oberdorfer rush for 2 yards to the LIO43, 1ST DOWN LIO (J.Baran).
Lio 1-10at Lio43DRA ball on LIO43.
Dra 1-10at Lio43M.Janik rush for 7 yards to the LIO36 (M.Pachernig;T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 2-3at Lio36M.Janik rush for 19 yards to the LIO17, 1ST DOWN DRA, out-of-bounds (Team Lions).
Dra 1-10at Lio17T.Haider pass incomplete to J.Russel.
Dra 2-10at Lio17T.Haider pass complete to M.Janik for 7 yards to the LIO10, out-of-bounds (M.Pachernig).
Dra 3-3at Lio10T.Haider pass incomplete to J.Russel, dropped pass (F.Knees), PENALTY LIO pass interference (F.Knees) 6 yards to the LIO4, 1ST DOWN DRA.
Dra 1-Gat Lio041st and 4.
Dra 1-Gat Lio04T.Haider pass incomplete to S.Fullerton.
Dra 2-Gat Lio04T.Haider pass incomplete to J.Russel, PENALTY DRA intentional grounding (T.Haider) 9 yards to the LIO13, NO PLAY.
Dra 2-Gat Lio13T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 13 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:22.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 21, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 14 plays, 43 yards, TOP 05:38
M.Wunderer kickoff 66 yards to the LIO0, touchback.
Lio 1-10at Lio20BLACK LIONS drive start at 06:22.
Lio 1-10at Lio20D.Dobrolevski sacked for loss of 5 yards to the LIO15 (J.Canetti).
Lio 2-15at Lio15D.Dobrolevski pass complete to M.Banks for 8 yards to the LIO23 (J.Hoeck).
Lio 3-7at Lio23D.Dobrolevski pass intercepted by An.Gigl at the DRA40, An.Gigl return 8 yards to the 48 yardline (Team Lions).
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:45
Dra 1-10at Dra48DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 04:37.
Dra 1-10at Dra48M.Janik rush for 1 yard to the LIO47 (J.Blanarsch).
Dra 2-9at Lio47T.Haider pass incomplete to M.Janik, dropped pass (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 3-9at Lio47T.Haider pass incomplete to M.Janik, dropped pass (M.Pachernig), PENALTY LIO roughing passer 17 yards to the LIO30, 1ST DOWN DRA, NO PLAY.
Dra 1-10at Lio30M.Janik rush for 4 yards to the LIO26 (NamorsVujinovic;A.Abdel).
Dra 2-6at Lio26M.Janik rush for 7 yards to the LIO19, 1ST DOWN DRA (NamorsVujinovic;A.Abdel).
Dra 1-10at Lio19T.Haider pass complete to M.Janik for 2 yards to the LIO17 (M.Pachernig).
Dra 2-8at Lio17S.Scharinger rush for 2 yards to the LIO15 (M.Pachernig;J.Blanarsch).
Dra 3-6at Lio15T.Haider pass complete to J.Russel for 9 yards to the LIO6, 1ST DOWN DRA (Team Lions).
Dra 1-Gat Lio06T.Haider rush for 4 yards to the LIO2 (R.Sedej).
Drive: 8 plays, 46 yards, TOP 04:46
Danube Dragons 21, BLACK LIONS 0
4th Quarter

Dra 2-Gat Lio02Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
Dra 2-Gat Lio02PENALTY DRA false start 5 yards to the LIO7.
Dra 2-Gat Lio07T.Haider pass incomplete to Ma.Dallinger, dropped pass.
Dra 3-Gat Lio07T.Haider pass complete to J.Russel for 7 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:51.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 28, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 10 plays, 48 yards, TOP 04:46
M.Wunderer kickoff 56 yards to the LIO10, M.Pachernig return 17 yards to the LIO27 (Team Dragons).
Lio 1-10at Lio27BLACK LIONS drive start at 11:43.
Lio 1-10at Lio27PENALTY LIO false start (A.Abdel) 6 yards to the LIO21.
Lio 1-16at Lio21M.Banks pass complete to T.Torta to the LIO22, fumble forced by Team Dragons, fumble by T.Torta recovered by DRA Team Dragons at LIO22.
Drive: 1 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 00:05
Dra 1-10at Lio22DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 11:38.
Dra 1-10at Lio22T.Haider pass complete to S.Fullerton for 22 yards to the LIO0, 1ST DOWN DRA, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:31.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 35, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 1 plays, 22 yards, TOP 00:07
M.Wunderer kickoff 31 yards to the LIO35, T.Oberdorfer return 11 yards to the LIO46 (Al.Gigl).
Lio 1-10at Lio46BLACK LIONS drive start at 11:27.
Lio 1-10at Lio46PENALTY LIO 12 men on the field 7 yards to the LIO39.
Lio 1-17at Lio39Timeout Danube Dragons, clock 11:27.
Lio 1-17at Lio39D.Dobrolevski rush for 2 yards to the LIO41 (An.Gigl).
Lio 2-15at Lio41M.Banks pass complete to M.Pachernig for 8 yards to the DRA47 (Team Dragons).
Lio 3-7at Dra47M.Banks rush for 8 yards to the DRA39, 1ST DOWN LIO (C.Berger;S.Gholami).
Lio 1-10at Dra39M.Banks pass incomplete to T.Torta.
Lio 2-10at Dra39M.Banks pass incomplete to M.Pirnat (J.Canetti).
Lio 3-10at Dra39M.Banks pass incomplete to D.Dobrolevski.
Lio 4-10at Dra39M.Banks rush for 1 yard to the DRA38, out-of-bounds (C.Berger).
Drive: 7 plays, 12 yards, TOP 02:57
Dra 1-10at Dra38DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 08:30.
Dra 1-10at Dra38T.Haider pass incomplete to G.Pongratz.
Dra 2-10at Dra38M.Laaber rush for 37 yards to the LIO21, 1ST DOWN DRA (A.Wulz).
Dra 1-10at Lio21M.Laaber rush for 3 yards to the LIO18 (T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 2-7at Lio18D.Marinkovic pass incomplete to J.Russel, dropped pass (T.Torta).
Dra 3-7at Lio18D.Marinkovic pass complete to M.Laaber for 10 yards to the LIO8, 1ST DOWN DRA (S.Steurer).
Dra 1-Gat Lio08D.Marinkovic pass incomplete to S.Jovanovic (S.Steurer).
Dra 2-Gat Lio08D.Marinkovic pass incomplete to S.Jovanovic.
Dra 3-Gat Lio08M.Laaber rush for 8 yards to the LIO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:03.
M.Wunderer kick attempt good.
Danube Dragons 42, BLACK LIONS 0
Drive: 8 plays, 58 yards, TOP 02:27
S.Daum kickoff 17 yards to the DRA47, on-side kick (touch by receiving team), recovered by DRA on DRA47.
Dra 1-10at Dra47DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 05:35.
Dra 1-10at Dra47M.Haider rush for 2 yards to the LIO47 (M.Pachernig).
Dra 2-8at Lio47D.Marinkovic pass complete to M.Laaber to the LIO39, fumble by M.Laaber recovered by LIO M.Pachernig at LIO47, M.Pachernig for 24 yards to the DRA25.
Drive: 2 plays, 2 yards, TOP 00:52
Lio 1-10at Dra25BLACK LIONS drive start at 04:43, LIO ball on DRA25.
Lio 1-10at Dra25M.Banks pass complete to M.Pachernig for 7 yards to the DRA18 (Team Dragons).
Lio 2-3at Dra18T.Torta rush to the DRA23, fumble by T.Torta recovered by LIO Team Lions at DRA23.
Lio 3-8at Dra23M.Banks pass incomplete to P.Rabitsch.
Lio 4-8at Dra23PENALTY DRA roughing passer (J.Baran) 12 yards to the DRA11, 1ST DOWN LIO.
Lio 1-10at Dra11M.Banks rush for 11 yards to the DRA0, 1ST DOWN LIO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:57.
M.Banks pass attempt failed.
Danube Dragons 42, BLACK LIONS 6
Drive: 4 plays, 25 yards, TOP 01:46
D.Dobrolevski kickoff 45 yards to the DRA21, M.Janik return 5 yards to the DRA26.
Dra 1-10at Dra26DANUBE DRAGONS drive start at 02:54.
Dra 1-10at Dra26M.Laaber rush for 1 yard to the DRA27 (M.Pachernig;T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 2-9at Dra27M.Laaber rush for 6 yards to the DRA33 (M.Pachernig).
Dra 3-3at Dra33Timeout Danube Dragons, clock 01:27.
Dra 3-3at Dra33D.Marinkovic pass complete to G.Pongratz for 13 yards to the DRA46, 1ST DOWN DRA, out-of-bounds (R.Sedej).
Dra 1-10at Dra46D.Marinkovic pass incomplete to T.Koeller (F.Knees).
Dra 2-10at Dra46M.Laaber rush for 1 yard to the DRA47 (C.Leitner;T.Oberdorfer).
Dra 3-9at Dra47D.Marinkovic pass complete to M.Laaber for 8 yards to the LIO41 (M.Pachernig), PENALTY DRA holding (G.Pongratz) 10 yards to the DRA45.
Dra 3-11at Dra453rd and 11.
Dra 3-11at Dra45End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 6 plays, 19 yards, TOP 02:54
Danube Dragons 42, BLACK LIONS 6