Nach mehreren Stationen – unter anderem in Innsbruck, Graz, Breslau oder Salzburg – übernahm Nick Johansen Mid-Season 2024 das Training der Tight End Unit beim Wiener Franchise. Nun tritt er die Nachfolge von Max Sommer als OC an und wird die Geschicke der Wiener Offense 2025 lenken.
#Signed.💜😤 Officially official: Nick Johansen is our new OC. #PurpleReign #ViennaVikings #VIKsigning
📸 @HJirgal | @ELF_Official— Vienna Vikings (@ViennaVikings) January 25, 2025
Vienna Vikings Head Coach Chris Calaycay und Johansen hatten zuvor schon beim österreichischen Football Nationalteam immer wieder miteinander gearbeitet, kennen und schätzen sich seit Jahren sehr.
„Nick ist so erfahren wie kein anderer im europäischen Fußball. Unsere gesamte Nebensaison war auf die Kontinuität dieses Teams ausgerichtet, und dies wird mit der Verpflichtung von Nick Johansen als unserem Offensive Coordinator fortgesetzt.“, so Calaycay. Was das Spieler-Personal auf der offensiven Seite des Balls betrifft, so wurden bereits einige Key-Players bekanntgegeben, unter anderem QB Ben Holmes, die Receiver Toure, Horn und Mayr, Runningbacks Pajarinen und Schütz, Tight End Bierbaumer sowie mehrere Big Men der O-Line wie All-Star Rauter, Holub oder Koskinen.
„Alle Voraussetzungen für unsere Offensive, die an die Spitze der European League of Football gehört, sind geschaffen und ich freue mich darauf, dass Coach Johansen unsere Offensive im Jahr 2025 anführen wird.“ — Vikings Head Coach Chris Calaycay
Nick Johansen ist bei den Vikings bereits voll ins Daily Business eingestiegen, hat seinen Arbeitsplatz im Vikings Office bezogen und steckt bereits mitten in den Vorbereitungen für die neue Saison. Woran er aktuell genau arbeitet, worauf er sich am meisten freut und wie er seinen Coaching Style beschreibt, hat er uns in einem ausführlichen Gespräch verraten.
OC Nick Johansen im Gespräch
What are your expectations and goals for the 2025 season?
Nick Johansen: „The goal of every team at this juncture of year is the same: to win a championship. How we prepare and work to being in a conversation like that is a direct correlation to our expectations as an offense to play a very exciting and explosive brand of football. It is exhilarating putting the pieces of the puzzle together at this point of the preparation and finding the formations and plays that fit our players and personnel.
Every year is a new year, and you start again from square one; the offensive staff is working tirelessly to provide Vienna with a championship level offense.
Bringing back Ben Holmes for a second year and getting to work with him in a new role is very exhilarating. With so many early morning / late night conversations and film studies already taken place last season and throughout the offseason building the 2025 Vikings offense around him and our personnel really brings joy to the process.“
How would you describe your coaching style?
Nick Johansen: „There is no denying the offensive style that is seen as a spectator of the full unit is a direct representation of the coaching style. We are going to have attention to detail and attack each day with an excitement to improve. Getting the right players on the field at the right times is a constant challenge and rewarded with points on the scoreboard. When it is all done right the result will be a group that loves to play the game and you can see and feel it – from the stands and television or streaming devices.“
You joined the Vikings mid-season last year. What is your take-away from your first year with the Vikings Coaching Staff?
Nick Johansen: „Everyone in the facility – from the Owner, Coaching Staff, Support Staff and behind the scenes workers – with the Vikings has been awesome and appreciative since arriving last year. It is an energetic and hard-working group that attacks every meeting, practice, and game with a purpose. There is a plan in place, and you can really see the culture that Coach Calaycay has built over the years with the team. Having been in Europe on the other sideline had always admired the effort and intensity of play – being part of it now confirms all beliefs in what it takes to be a championship level program.“
What are you currently working on?
Nick Johansen: „Planning the preseason to make sure that everyone gets the reps needed by formation, play and situation to be successful when we kickoff the 2025 season. It is a detailed process each and every year; but also, a rewarding part of it to make everything fit together and get everyone a chance to compete for their role in the offense.“