Bereits kurz nach Saisonende wurde bekannt, dass Thomas Haider 2012 wieder als Wide Receiver und nicht mehr als Quarterback für die Danube Dragons spielen wird. In der letzten Ausgabe des Kickoff-Magazins glaubt dieses aber zu wissen, dass die Dragons doch wieder mit Haider als QB starten werden. Head Coach Ivan Zivko widerspricht dem, es habe sich daran gar nichts geändert, mit ihm habe auch niemand darüber gesprochen. Haider wird 2012 Receiver spielen, die Dragons werden, wie geplant, einen US-Quarterback holen.
Zivko stellte bereits im September sein komplett österreichisches Receiver-Corps in einem Special Feature (siehe unten) vor.
Euro Bowl-Entscheidung noch offen
Am Samstag (5.11.) findet in Thonon (FRA) das Euro Bowl-Meeting statt. Fix dabei sind aus österreichischer Sicht der Titelverteidiger Swarco Raiders, sowie die Halbfinalisten JCL Giants Graz und Raiffeisen Vikings. Ob die Dragons, die durch den Grunddurchgang müssten, 2012 in der EFL antreten, das wird von den Terminen abhängen. Die wenigen Ersatztermine (17./18. März, 5./.6. Mai und 9./10. Juni) während der AFL-Saison sind auch Junioren-Nationalteam-Camp-Termine, die Dragons müssten bei einem EFL-Spiel an den Wochenenden auf ihre Junioren im Nationalteam verzichten.


Special Feature: The current widereceiver group of 2012
After last seasons (2011) two import widereceiver situation the team is heading into a different direction. There is a good chance we might see mainly Austrian players in this position. This brings the actual widereceivers new opportunities and chances. The athletic status of the group is on a good level and the competition is huge. With some acquisitions the group will elevate the level of play.
Thomas Haider
Last years Quarterback and leader will get back to his original position in the AFL team. The team missed his outstanding anticipation and catching abilities. His is a dominant force when the ball is in the air. With his size and speed he sets a bar for all other widereceivers on this team. His appearance will definitely increase the performance in the red zone and the third down conversions.
Manuel Dallinger
He made a great improvement in last years offseason. This brought him more playing time in 2011. With some memorable catches he underlined his selection. He is a relentless and aggressive blocker with great hands. Improvement in the weight room will support his development. 
Georg Pongratz
Besides Thomas he is the overall athletic player in this group. With a basketball background he is entering his second year as a widereceiver. He had some playing time in 2011 and started one game vs. the Raiders. A player with great upside and in addition with the gained experience he will compete for more playing time and a starter position.
Sinisa Jovanovic
The speedster had great improvements in the past offseason. Entering his third season he has the right mindset for more contributions. Improvements in the weight room and more experience will elevate his chances for a starting job.
Thomas Köller
The veteran in this group brings a lot of experience to the table. Made good overall improvements in past years offseason. A strong widereceiver who will go after the starting job in 2012. His understanding of football and HcZivko´s system is enormous. 
Ulrich Prettenthaler
In his time with the Dragons he had a couple of position changes. Now going in his second consecutive season at the widereceiver position it is an important year for his future. The tall and very fast receiver is able to be that vertical stretcher every team needs. 
Wolfgang Irbinger
His recent position change brought some movement into this group. As a starting safety the past four season he will undergo a new challenge for himself. His knowledge and understanding of the game will help him adjusting to the new situation. 
David Bründl
The young athletic wideout has great upside. A dynamic player with good speed. Next season is definitely a year where he has to step up and showcase his talent on the next level. Improvement in the weight room and aggressiveness are the things to focus. 
Mathias Jedelsky
Young prospect with future potential. Due to injury and a needed surgery he missed all of last season. Intelligent player with a great heart.
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